Thursday, March 10, 2005

A Page at a Time

I decided to steal a page from my friend Martin's blog and do a top ten list. Ok so maybe we both borrowed it from David Letterman but what the hey. Since my passion is reading, particulary Sci-Fi and Fantasy, I decided to do a top ten of my favorite books. Well, that turned into a bust cause I couldn't decide on the criteria to use, so I gave up and decided to just do the list as the 10 books that I most wanted to re-read right after finishing reading them. Here I go starting at 10. Leo Frankowski's Cross-Time Engineer falls comfortably in at number 10. Its a good read of a modern day civil engineer who accidentally gets stranded in the middle ages in Poland right before the Mongols invade in the 1300s. A good read that got me thinking about what it would be like to take modern skills into the past. Its sort of like a modern day Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.Posted by Hello


Blogger Martin said...

Time travel always messed with my mind. Something about me not being here in the here while I'm there in the then tinkering with the things to be. I would like to find out if another book prior to H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine" dealt with time travel or if his was the start of it all.

8:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

HG Wells was the grand daddy of all time travel books, unless you want to count Dicken's A Christmas Story

9:39 AM  

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