Monday, July 11, 2005

Whining out.

As I write this I am listening to a whining dog. To be precise, my in-laws chihuahua whining cause he was locked in the room when the in-laws went out. I know certain people won't believe this, but I actually at one time liked animals. Teri and I even had fish for a couple of years. I had dogs growing up and I adopted or was adopted by a couple of cats when I was young. They and I would hang out together hidden in the bushes (yeah I had a strange and bad childhood) Now, however, I have grown to hate animals. Dogs annoy me, cats get on my nerves, I can't even look a pigeon in the eye without thinking about feeding them rice and watching them explode (yeah I know its an urban myth, but what a visual). Here I was just going to post something innocuous, maybe talk about how glad I am about having my two online summer classes over with (I am still going to college, working on my 4th degree even if I don't have any paper to show for it yet) Instead I am cringing because the stupid dog doesn't realize that nobody is going to let him out of the room for awhile. Wonder if I can string a hose from the tailpipe of the car to under the door of their room.


Blogger Unknown said...

Aww. Haha! I like animals, and I'm not sure why but this cracked me up.

I don't, however, like Chihuahua's. I've only ever liked 2 of them. And it's 'cause they weren't stupid little bastards that rushed every ankle in sight.

1:45 AM  

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