Thursday, June 30, 2005

I'm back....

Ok just a quick little post to let everyone know I am back and that the vacation was pretty darn fun. (We won't talk about the sunburn I got or my wife's sunburn in an interesting location. I also won't mention how I actually had a {gasp} good time shopping [at downtown Disney]) Is it my imagination or does California have the highest restaurant food prices in the nation (or am I just spoiled living in Vegas) Oh well be back later for more details.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting location, eh.... Was it the septum? Five bucks says it was the septum.

7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll take that bet. I always forget to put lotion on my septum. Gets me into a right mess it does.

7:51 PM  
Blogger LoraLoo said...

Welcome back. Sounds like you both had a good time!

9:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry! I didn't know you were gone. My apologies.

I'm glad you had mucho fun! That's rock 'n roll!

And Vegas is damn expensive, I think you're just used to it or crazy.

Oh, and you're SUPPOSED to leave comments that start arguments. That's where all the fun's at.

12:29 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

anonymous -- I usually don't respond to anonymouse posts, but no it was not the septum.

loraloo -- thank you

vavoom -- Thanks. Ok no visiting the city of my birth. Check, got it.

Jenn -- And here I thought posts were for starting arguments and comments were all rah rah. Where in the world were you eting if you paid big bucks for food in Vegas; home of $.99 breakfast and the all-you can eat buffet?

5:46 PM  

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