Thursday, June 09, 2005


I got to thinking today about how your views on sex change as you get older. As a child, sex is that big mystery that you know nothing about. Then you hit teenagehood and sex becomes the source of all your anxieties and dreams. Suddenly you make it to early adulthood and everything in your life revolves around sex. It influences what you do, what you eat, who you see, and even when you do things. Pretty soon you hit midlife and sex is still great, but other things start to become more important. Sex takes on the flavor of a party; something you do on special occasions and get dressed up for. Then after awhile you start to get old and sex becomes something that gets in the way of more important things like getting 8 hours of sleep or watching a favorite TV show. My point to all this is by the time you have the wisdom and experience to get rid of all your hangups about sex, you have probably gotten past the urge to do it anymore. I see some wierd inverse law here based on the frequency of your sexlife and the neurological hangups you have on it. Why can't people just say screw it and do what they want? (Pun intended by the way) Why are things like menage a trois or fetishes frowned upon by society? How did this nudity taboo get started anyways? Didn't everyone race to get out of their clothes as fast as they could when they were young? Well its too late for me to rant on any more so I will have to continue this tomorrow and get into the slimy underbelly of this blog...


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm not your freaky fetish type of person. I'm not even one to talk about it, for the most part. Though, I don't frown upon those who do have their fetish's (or however you make that plural). I actually find myself admiring it. I guess it's just not my cup of tea to have a freak in me. Society is just that society. It's the devil and frowns upon anything it thinks it should and doesn't frown upon those things that it should.

Can't wait for the rest!

12:29 AM  
Blogger Teri said...

You are looking at this from the male perspective

1:10 PM  
Blogger Martin said...

I do think that the puritanical view of nudity in the U.S. perpetually creates an urge for nudity. Would I have been as obsessed with breasts if they were exposed all the time? I don't think so. The taboo and eroticism of them would be gone. How many men have told you that they got aroused looking at a cow's udders? If they have... worry. But, I think by seeing them as nothing but a source of milk, it changes things.

And yes, I think that our libido changes as we age to keep from passing on sperm that were barely able to swim.

10:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

So you are saying Martin that if all females were showing you their breasts the world would be a better place and you wouldn't be fantasizing about 38D's anymore?

8:16 AM  
Blogger Martin said...

Definitely. I think that the more you hide something, the more enticing it becomes. Although, changing it now would take many generations for it to be effective. So, I'm a lost cause.

5:54 PM  

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