Saturday, March 19, 2005

I'm not dead yet...

Ok its time for my soliloquy about death. Have you ever wondered about what happens to you after you die? I know I have and so have some of the masters of science fiction. One of those masters, Phillip Jose Farmer, pops up in my list at number 5) for his seminal work, The Riverworld Series. Imagine if you will a world where everyone wakes up after dying on the banks of a huge river. Food is provided by 'grailstones' along with some luxury items. This is the setting for Farmer's epic tale. Farmer populates the world with his favorite historical figures and throws in a ringer or two with other characters that resemble fictional people. He even manages to secretly insert himself as well. I highly recommend this provocative story.


Blogger Martin said...

I heard the televised mini-series on the Sci-Fi channel wasn't as good as the book but I hope they re-air it so I can check it out. I liked the premise.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I watched the Sci-Fi series after eagerly anticipating it. It didn't suck, but it wasn't good, they took out all the cool historical characters.

5:21 PM  

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