Saturday, April 02, 2005

Passive or agressive?

Ok I noticed something wierd today whilst over at my Mom's house visiting with my family. I was a little tired out after a trip to the Meadows Mall to get sized for the tux for my youngest sister's wedding (I am walking my sister down the aisle in leiu of my father who passed away recently). As I was listening to the conversations going on around me, I started noticing the posturing that was going on between individuals, the attempts that people where making to improve there pecking order in the family hierarchy. The thing that struck me as odd was the fact that my agressive siblings were trying to dominate the less agressive ones as usual. What hit me was that it wasn't a matter of agressiveness that held sway, but call it the determination of the individual. Passiveness does not equate to weakness. I started to think about this as it pertained to all of my relationships, not just my family ones. I also tried to analyze my wife's relationships and fell into a conundrum. Do agressive people view all passiveness as weakness? How do they handle a strong willed person who is not agressive and not passive? How do two passive individuals interact? What about a threesome of passive people? I am a passive person, does this color all my friendships? How do my friends see me? What about my dealings with the opposite sex? Are males more interested in status because of their natural agressiveness? Is agressiveness a byproduct of ego? Do passive people view passiveness as a desirable trait? Do agressive people view agressiveness as a desirable trait? Why am I asking so many questions? Is my family just screwed up or is everyone like this?


Blogger Martin said...

They are screwed up like everyone else. I do think that like minds do tend to gather. Yet, if one has aggressive tendencies it sometimes pushes one to leadership positions and each leader still needs a folower. So the passives need aggressives. And if they don't like it, we'll beat the hell out of them! I mean... they will follow along quietly.

10:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ummmm, do you hear voices in your head Martin?

5:51 PM  
Blogger Martin said...

Often and sometimes female ones saying "No, not there!"

2:15 PM  

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