Monday, May 16, 2005

Rediscovering Honor writing contest @

Ok if you didn't read my earlier post on this, I discovered a writing contest at Nothing fancy, just a quick hit contest for a proof copy of her latest book, Talyn. The hard part is she limits the story to 250 words and gives you the theme, rediscovering honor, ouch. Anyways, here is my first attempt, tell me what you think.

Grandfather's Last Request (Essay)
Authored by: davydgrey on Monday, May 16 2005 @ 08:32 PM CDT

I glanced up at the light glimmering in the window of Old Man Smith’s ramshackle house. “Come on old dude, go to bed.” I whispered, looking around at the shadows dancing in the moonlight. Minutes passed. I muttered and stood up. “Oh well, nothing for it.” I slid over the ground and crept up the steps at the front of the house. I inserted my pick into the ancient lock, and, with a quick twist, I was in.

I paused, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness of the house. “Come on Sullivan, now is not the time to loose your nerve.” Steadying myself, I slipped up the stairs, trying to make as little noise as possible. “Down the hallway, first door on the left.” In seconds, I was there, looking into Smith’s bedroom and the fortune in baseball cards he kept on his shelf.

I entered and grabbed at the treasure of my dreams. “DiMaggio, Aaron, Rose rookie card.” I glanced through the stack and thought of the easy life ahead. A noise broke through my reverie as the old coot tossed in his timeworn bed. I looked over at the figure lying there and suddenly thoughts of the cards left my mind. He looked just like my Grandfather did at his funeral last year. Just like that, I decided I did not need the baseball cards after all. Better to leave them for the old guy. He needed them more. My Grandfather would have wanted it that way.


Blogger Teri said...

I like it, I would just like you to use your wit and post a limmerick or something like that :)

5:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I would have loved to do more, I actually had to cut this as she made it a 250 word limit and boy was it limiting.

I will do a poem next Teri, just for you.

7:56 PM  
Blogger Martin said...

Good job, Lloyd! With the limitations in place, it does make it tough to get your setting, character, plot and a strong description. I do like the way you went with it. I keep thinking that maybe he'd take a lesser known undervalued card and just walk away. B)

5:37 AM  
Blogger LoraLoo said...

I enjoyed it. I liked that I could really picture this character in my head as I read... Thanks for sharing.

3:00 PM  

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