Friday, May 13, 2005


It was a dark, dank, gloomy night. Ok so maybe it wasn't, but I bet it felt that way to some people as they woke up this morning to a gloomy Friday the 13th. [Insert horror movie music here] I have never understood people who assign some superstitious value to the conjunction of the thirteenth day of the month with one of seven days of the week, Friday. Yeah, yeah, I have read of the historical idiosynchosies and I am familiar with the numerological significance of two magical prime numbers, but so what. Its also the 133rd day of the year. (Seven times nineteen, two more primes) Again so what. May is yam backwards which is a root vegetable indigenous to the area of the world in which they practice voodoo, does that give it any significance? (I was going with the playing the record backwards to unlock the secret message thing here, but only the older generation will get it.) How many people out there actually did not go to work or school today because they were afraid of bad luck? (Josh, you don't count, you sprained your ankle yesterday) Oh well, I guess I will never understand this. Anyway I need to go polish up my lucky horseshoe while stroking my lucky rabbit's foot before I walk around the house three times widdershins so I can go to bed.


Blogger Martin said...

Just don't step on any cracks on the way. B) I so disbelieve in bad luck that I purposely never send along those letters, you know the ones, that will bring you years of bad luck if you don't send them to 10 of your friends. Luck is just what you make of it until something horrible happens and then you have something to blame other than yourself.

5:28 AM  

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