Thursday, June 02, 2005


Ok this is a warning, this post is gonna be a rant. I need to vent out some frustration and figured why not do it in a post. I HATE ALLERGIES! I am 39 years old and have gotten comfortable throughout the years with who and what I am. However, there is one thing about myself that I would love to change, I have allergies. I don't have them bad, they don't lay me up or anything (I have sisters who get migraines that last for days), but mine are persistent little devils. Its like having a low grade fever for days, it just makes you feel miserable. I take maintenance medicine for them, Allegra is wonderful, but I still can be set off for a few hours by the littlest thing. Dogs bother me bad, I am ok with cats. Cigarette smoke is the worst, it gives me the sniffles and then I have a headache for hours. Paint, dust, nail polish, anything that is a fine particulant bothers me. I hate it, it crimps my lifestyle. I cringe at people who smoke; I avoid my smoker coworkers because they reek and don't know it. I have relatives who have pets and I go over to their houses only when absolutely necessary. I am a social recluse not by choice, but because I can't stand people's annoying habits and such. I have actually had dreams about taking over the world and executing all the smokers. What can I do.

Ok I feel better now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always say smokers should die

8:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I know I have allergies, but just haven't went to the doctor for it. I'm stupid like that. I'll go next month. No, really. I will.

I seem to have a lot of headaches lately, ALWAYS sneezing and congested a lot too. Boo. I don't know if it's an allergy to any one particular thing. I think it has to do with dust.

As for smokers, I'm about to say something really bad. I'm a smoker. Not a chronic smoker. A pack could last me up to a month. I do NOT let smoke blow towards me, because it DOES reek and I wash my hands after anytime I do smoke. I know it might sound weird because I smoke, but I think smokers reek too. I don't ever smoke around non-smokers, I think it's rude.

So you have to love me still, okay? :P

11:13 PM  
Blogger Martin said...

I've always wanted to take one of those massive allergy tests to find out what food and air allergies I have. I do know dust and some pollen give me a runny nose at the drop of a hat. I'm just thankful it isn't as debilitating as my friend, Tammy, at work. She gets two weekly shots and still looks like she is suffering just to stay alive.

I've always grown up around pets and smokers and never really minded either but they aren't happening in my house. I've thought about pets but I'm a bit too self-involved to have one depend on me. They are also expensive medically. I have no problem being around smokers but notice that my clothes and skin smell strongly of it afterwards (which means a shower and disposal of the clothes quickly.)

5:31 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Jenn-I never hold smoking against anyone, I just find excuses to avoid them; although I did date a smoker once.

Vavoom-Just read your blog post also, great to hear that you are quitting and if my allergy rant motivated you, then I am honored.

An80snut-Martin allergies suck, plain and simple. They make you make life choices or should I say force you to make choices.

5:51 PM  
Blogger LoraLoo said...

Windy days are the WORST. I woke up this morning with a pounding sinus headache. I've narrowed my problem to pollens and various vegetation. I actually asked my doctor to run those tests, and she wouldn't do it. Her reasoning was that 1) there is so much vegetation here in our valley that isn't from here (causing additional allergens all the time), and any allergen within ten miles can affect you - so why torture me to find out what I can't control.

9:50 PM  
Blogger LoraLoo said...

Ooops, forgot the "2)" in there.

9:51 PM  

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