Sunday, May 22, 2005

The week that was...

Wow. What a busy week I have had. I feel like I have been on a treasure hunt as I have wandered around the Las Vegas valley. My little sisters wedding was yesterday and I got to give her away since my Dad passed away several months ago; what a weird feeling,somewhere between play acting and giving your own daughter away. The other weird thing was having all here friends stay over with her at our house the night before. Made me feel old seeing these baby faced girls acting all grown up, two of them pregnant, one with the coolest fairy tatooon her back. Watching them argue about money, lend each other a couple of bucks here and there, and basically all stress out over the impending wedding, had me feeling like an old man in the corner with my own private thoughts. Teri and I played host and hostess for my sister and friends, making sure they were fed and running some last minute errands. It was so weird for me since I have not been involved in any of my other sibling's weddings. My wife is also starting her first Master's class this week, and I get to stress along with her as she makes her plans and does her assignements in this three week mini summer class.


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