Thursday, August 18, 2005

C'est la vie

Ok I haven't felt like blogging lately, or should I say I haven't felt like writing a blog. Its not like I haven't had the time, I have had some free time available and I am still reading blogs and leaving sarcastic comments. I just have been mind dead lately, too full of ennui to be able to get the mind juices flowing. If it was the middle ages I would say that the muse had left me, and probably sacrifice a small animal to get the gods favor again. (Hmmm wonder if the in-laws chihuahua is available. Nahhhh, they probably wouldn't like that) What I really need is some motivation to get my creative energies free flowing again. An appreciative audience chanting my name and flinging pickles from the top of a temple would suffice(bonus points if you identify the movie that paraphrased quote came from). I actually logged on to blog and stared at a blank screen for 10 minutes ysterday and then asked Teri what I should blog about; I was just mind numb. I also worry that I am too negative on here or as my son commented yesterday, too hypocritical. So here is today's question, "What do you like to read about in the blogs that you visit?"


Blogger Jenn Doll said...

I don't think you're negative to say the least. I enjoy reading your blog!

I, personally, like to read something that's going to make me laugh. Or, even if it does't make me laugh, I thrive on sarcasm.

Or, anything though provoking.

But, who am I to talk? My blog is nothing more than non-sense.

Love me for me!

4:00 AM  
Blogger LoraLoo said...

Once I get sucked in by a single post that catches my attention, it all seems pretty interesting. It really is sort of a relationship, isn't it?

To sort of answer your question, I am drawn to wit, sarcasm, humor and/or those who have something in common with me.

I don't find you too negative here, we all have those days.

3:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence all, sometimes I guess I just dwell in self pity land and wonder why I do stuff. Its good to her that I am bringing some enjoyment to people's lives with my writing.

4:46 PM  
Blogger Martin said...

You're too negative, Lloyd! Just kidding. B) Actually, I like the way you approach a topic that you are interested in.

I'm kind of hypocritical but I like short posts but I type on and on (especially in my newsletter.)

6:01 PM  
Blogger RT said...

Mmm... You are pretty negative. You should stop that. :p

LoL. Quit worrying about your blog, obviously you're doing something right, you keep us coming back.

10:01 PM  

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