Comte de St Germain
Have you ever wondered about your ancestors? Maybe you talked to some of your older relatives at a family gathering? Maybe they told you about "the old country" or the like. Well in my family we are always asking questions about our ancestors, but we can't seem to find anything out past the Great Grandparents. Its like nobody remembers anything before then. My Dad's side of the family goes back to his Mom (my Dad was a bastard and barely knew his real Dad) and her mother who was a reservation American Indian (dead end). My Mom's Dad can trace his roots back to Cornwall England, but we don't know any names before his parents. Its only when we get to my Mom's Mom's Mom (my Great-Grandmother) that it gets interesting. Again not for what we know, but what we don't know. My Great-Grandmother's maiden name was Saint Germain and her ancestors were from the area around the French German border.
Well today Teri and I, after visiting my Mom and Uncle, started talking about ancestors and her relatives that came from "White Russia". Well since neither of us knew where the hell White Russia was we googled it and soon were ensconced in a bit of research looking for her Belarusian (White Russian) and Black Forest Germany ancestors. After tiring of this line and wondering if Teri's many Great Grandparents were minor nobility, I decided to look up some of my ancestors and typed in Saint Germain to see what came up. Needless to say I was quite shocked when I stumbled upon the Count Saint Germain, the man who lived forever, especially since the picture they showed looked like somebody who would be in our family (Ok maybe I am stretching that last part, but you never know)
Did I marry a few hundred year old Mann? heheheheheheh
My mother traced back our roots on her side back to what seems like forever. I think she finally found road blocks somewhere in the 1600's. It takes a lot of work, I don't have that much patience.
The funniest thing she found: Larry Hagman is my third cousin.
I have data taking Dad's mom back about 5 generations. I have nothing on either of Dad's proclaimed fathers (which I am neutral about the bastard belief until someone ponies up for a DNA test).
I have Archibald St. Germain on a Michigan census stating his birth place as Canada and his parents birth place as Canada
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