Only in Vegas
Ok I admit it it, sometimes I am just clueless when it comes to things, or as my wife likes, no loves to say, I have no common sense. I just wonder if that is in itself a bad thing? I am an extremely intelligent person and sometimes wonder if the people who think I am clueless just do not understand my thought processes because I am thinking at a higher level. Yet, there are other times when I find myself looking at something and just wondering what the masses of people must be thinking as they do something that I cannot understand. Case in point, here is an ad that flashed up tonight while I was on Facebook advertising a HUGE Las Vegas party. Ok now I get the reason someone might want to go and gawk, but from what I remember the news saying last year, ordinary people love dressing up and going to these things. Help me to understand, is this just some form of debauchery that I do not understand? Maybe its some childhood repressed fantasy in playing dress-up. Please comment and let me know.