Trick or Treat!
Ok here's the plan, Teri and I for years have been toying with the idea of having a Halloween party. You know invite a few friends, including ones we don't talk to much, some work people, and maybe some others. Get them all together in our place, we have a large house--perfect for parties, and just have a good time. However, for whatever reason, we always talk about it real loud in September and then quietly forget about it come October. I don't know, maybe Teri's and Josh's October birthdays intrude. Whatever the reason we always seem to never do it. Well this year Teri has sworn she is going to have the party. Me? I don't count as I don't have that many friends and very few work people I would want to see at a party. I am the social hermit of the two of us, Teri the outgoing, gregarious one. She is already totalling up the teachers she will invite, while giving short shift to her old co-workers that she does not keep in touch with. My problem? I don't want to have a teacher party and want to try to balance out the guest list, but the people I would invite I could count on one hand as I have either lost touch with my old friends or they have moved out of town. Should I just give up on it and accept the fact that I will have a bunch of drunken teachers talking shop while I mope, geeking out with Martin if he goes, or should I invite people who I haven't talked to in years and who might be mystified at receiving an invite an invite to a party from me. I mean its not like its a Christmas card or something.