And after further review...

I could say I was recruited by a super-secret agency and have been away saving the planet, or I could say that I finally got around to writing that All-American novel that I have been promising, but heck, although there are elements of truth to both, the reality of it is that I just haven't felt like sharing that much with the world. I have continued to periodically check in with my blog buddies, leaving the occasional post here and there, seeing how Martin or Lora or whomever was doing, I resisted the idea of getting on here and filling the blogsphere with mindless tripe as seemed to be my norm lately. I don't know what changed today, maybe it was Teri's snide remarks about my last post being in September, or maybe it was running into another old MultiCommer's blog, which ever it was all I know is I decided to rant a little bit today with no promises that I will post again anytime soon, but you never know, maybe the writing bug will hit me hard again. Plus, with a new rugrat firmly esconced in our expanding family, I do have a lot to talk about...