Is it tomorrow yet?

Ok, sometimes I get a bit carried away when I do something. Let me give you an example, I am on vacation currently, 11 glorious fun-filled days off from work, which I am enjoying immensely. Well, except for the Christmas Teri's family tiff, but we won't go into that. Day before yesterday, my brother calls me and says, "Hey, you wanna go to Best Buy with me tomorrow?" Turns out he has a $30 gift card that he wants to spend. Now me, I have been saving up Best Buy gift cards for the last 2 years and have like $140 worth, but nothing that I really wanna buy. So I thought it would be safe for me to go with the bro to the store; maybe check out large flat screen monitors or the like. However, unbeknownst to me, the brother is going to pick up 'Serenity' the movie and maybe take a look to see if they have 'Firefly'. No prob, I think and dive into the movie section at Best Buy after a cursory look at 19 and 20 inch flat screen monitors. The trouble is that my brother is a movie browser and cannot be rushed in trying to find what he is looking for; so, in trying to kill time, I find 'Pretender - Season 2' on DVD and decide to add a little to Teri's Christmas present since I got her 'Pretender - Season 1' as a gift. This is where I make my first mistake, because while looking at 'Pretender', I remember that one of the sisters told me about a Christmas present that she found for me (she didn't get it for me as it was too expensive, $100, but she thought of me). They had 'The Tomorrow People' on DVD, one of my all-time favorite campy 70's sci-fi TV series and if you haven't already figured it out, I decided to splurge and spend my collected gift cards. It gets better though, mistake number 2 is just around the corner. My brother, when he came over to pick me up for the jaunt to Best Buy, took the opportunity to pay me my winnings from our Fantasy Football League and so I had a fresh $100 bill also burning a hole in my pocket. Flash forward to the Best Buy movie selection and my brother walking up to me and seeing 'The Tomorrow People' in my hands and wondering if they had another BBC perennial sci-fi favorite in 'Doctor Who'. So of course we went looking for it and pulled out the 3 DVDs of the Tom Baker years 'Doctor Who' since he was the only Doctor worth talking about. Yep you guessed it, another $65 of DVDs on my stack, since bro optted not to get any of them. Then, just to add insult to injury, I decided to throw Jessica Alba in the pile; Season 1 and 2 of 'Dark Angel', $40 worth of tight black leather. Say goodbye to the gift cards, add seeya later to the football winnings, and then $35 out of pocket for Teri's lust buddy Jared in 'Pretender - Season 2'. Anyone for a science fiction marathon at Teri and Lloyd's house?