Another top ten...

Ok its time for another top ten list. This weeks list is brought to you courtesy of my brother who posted this on our family website and got several responses for it, your top ten all-time favorite TV shows. Remember, just for clarification, these are all-time favorites which can include cable and shows from bygone days, so take your time. Also, since it is my top ten a couple of rules. The list is for television series, so miniseries or TV movies don't count. Martin, please don't list Japanese Anime shows in your list, even the ones that were on as series. 'Good Eats' is ok though.
Here is my Top Ten TV shows of all times list. Bewitched and Simpsons just missed out.
1) Pretender
2) Stargate SG1
3) Voyagers
4) Highlander
5) Sliders
6) Gilligan's Island
7) Dark Angel
8) Quantum Leap
9) Get Smart
10) MacGyver